Welcome to my Website

My Name is Nick and this is my page. It is very simple, because that’s how I like to keep things.

“I’m just some guy, y’know?”

This page is nothing more than a simple way for me to own my own space on the web. With the growth of social media getting so out of hand these days I thought it was time I started putting my stuff somewhere more personal and not owned by a corporation out of my control.


Maybe? My wife and I did a podcast years ago before we got married and had a kid and ran out of time for hobbies. I may repost it here so it finally has a home online again.

Blog Posts?

I’m not that great of a writer but if I ever have any ideas that don’t belong anywhere else you may find them here, you never know.


I love to game y’all. Video games, board games, tabletop RPG’s you name it, I probably love it. I may even talk about it here from time to time, we’ll see.


I’m new to this whole thing but it’s been quite the journey and I have thoughts.


As a lifelong geek, I love to tinker with things. If I own a piece of technology, there’s a good chance I’ve tried to unlock it’s fullest potential, and in the process of that I’ve probably broken it a few times too.


You never know what you’ll see here, stay tuned.

About Me

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.


  • Bullet-Point
  • Another Bullet-Point
  • Actually, these are check marks

Who knows what this might say in the future

  • Maybe I will put
  • A Haiku here in the near
  • Future, stay tuned and see

“Never give up, never surrender.”

Peter Quincy Taggart

Commander, NSEA-Protector

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